Thursday, August 11, 2011

The sad part... big kiddos are going back to school next week. Monday. I can honestly say...I am heartbroken.

They make me crazy enough to be admitted to a psych ward. But still...I don't want them to leave me.

We seem to have just found our summer stride. Not as much sibling fighting, more helping mom out...a fair measure

of giggling and shushed whispers from imaginary expeditions... And now they are going back to school.

You would think I was sending them off to boarding school. I'm not. Just down the road a bit...for sixish hours a day.

I am sure the baby and I will stare at each other for the first week. The entire week. We won't know

what to do. That...or we'll party. A party in Target...or Ihop. Swell.

I still wish summer lasted longer...

I have a list of activities to Accomplish before then end of summer...

Up next. Canning. With the kids. It will be an adventure.

It will be epic!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hair today...gone tomorrow

This post was meant for the beginning of the summer...the kidletts...the big ones got their hair cut. It was high drama and much debate...Shane likes his hair longer and shaggy...but he gets so hot in the of course the Mann and I wanted him to be cooler...hence the whole let's shave his head conversation happened. Then there's Amelia. She wanted a short summer "do". And after fighting her every single morning before school to brush her long locks...I wanted it too. The Mann was a different story. He wants his little princes to have long hair. So...there was A LOT of discussion on the matter. We finally reached a compromise...on both counts.
Here are the before pics...

Mister Shane


All three Itty Bittties...not so Itty anymore:(

Amelia so very happy to have less hair

Shane...I promise he liked it. Promise.

The littlest Bitty...looking so very sneaky....
And the puppy. The giant puppy. He is really huge.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

I wanna have a party... now! But what to do...

How about a Great Gatsby Party??? How fun is this wedding??

...or a jazz party...So many fun ideas!

What kind of party are you having?

Am I invited?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer love

There are certain things that scream "SUMMER" to are some of them...

I really like this...Might have to try it sometime! Look here...for more:)

Have I mentioned how much I love anchors? And navy? Well...i do. AND...I WANT!!! Found here...

You can buy the print here...but if you buy it before I do...prepare to be tackled and robbed! Just a warning!

One of my new favorite blogs...Oh, and I WANT that bag!!!

I like this idea...It makes me happy. Found over here...

Loved this the moment it popped up in my reader...It is in a little Etsy shop called fog and swell. Love that name! Found on poppytalk

What screams "SUMMER" to you??

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pretty much...

A) I LOVE the Brooklyn Bridge. I consider it "my" bridge. Some day I will stand upon that glorious structure and publicly claim it as only mine! I will! Watch!

B) I love pocket watches. Not as much as "my" Brooklyn Bridge...But boy...I sure do love them!

C) Conclusion...I really should have this necklace. Like now. I mean it. Really.

Found here... It popped up on my twitter. I guess it is supposed to appear at this fantastic shop...However, I don't know when that will be...So I did some research (read : stalked around the interweb)...Lookey what I found!

Seriously...I'm just sharing cause I'm so nice...You buy it before me??? You know the drill... You will be tackled and robbed. Just in case you wanna risk it...This fantasticness can be found here....

You are welcome. And warned!

Oh...get inspired! #2

So...its been almost a month since the last post...well, not counting yesterday. Here are some things I've been loving ALL month long. I saved them just for you! Yep, I'm just that awesome!!! Enjoy!

Super love this idea for a "party in a box"! See the tut over here...

A wedding that combines peacock feathers and anchors??? yes please!!! I mean you had me at "anchors". See the rest here...

This Picture...

and this one reminded me of a the hot air balloons:) For even more inspiration, look here...

This photo made me giggle. I even showed the Mann. He chuckled.

Pretty stinkin' amusing. Found on this blog...

Loving everything about this shoot...except the nude lips. I just can't get behind nude lips. I don't know why...Do you like them? Here is the rest of the shoot...

How amazeballs(yes I just said that) is this window??? I want one. Stat!

Here is a close up...pretty swell, yes? Read more here...

Ever need a creative way to display photos? Here is some inspiration...

Now wasn't that fun? What has been inspiring you this summer?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Baby Belly...

Love this for a maternity shoot....Almost makes me wanna get knocked up again...Almost. Check out the full post here...