Yep, its that time again. Time to read this post. Over here.
In case you aren't reading that fantastic blog...this week, the topic is Home Sweet Home. It's all about making your home a wonderful place to live. Mandi is the contributor this week. You can read her blog over here...
She has three great tips for making your home a wonderful place to live...
1.Don't buy or keep anything you don't love.
2. Start small.
3. Don't neglect function.
You really should read her full post...C'mon...You know you want to! Just click here!

1. Those blasted junk drawers. I need to go through those things. I think there is a
cupboard or two that could use my attention too...
2. Shampoo the carpets. Yes, I know, that really isn't decor related...but, if I feel they are dirty...it makes my home feel un-wonderful.
3. Paint "that" wall in the living room. It makes me cringe every time I look at it!
So, tell me, what are your goals this week?
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