We had super busy weekend...
Friday was super exciting! My friends Billy and Tiffany opened
their graphic design studio. Yay! It was so fun!!!! I didn't take any
pictures...of course. But I did make some super-duper tasty
Jello Bytes. They were a huge hit. Almost as huge as the new studio!!
Check out Different by Design. They are awesome!!!
Saturday we had a BBQ with some friends...it was supposed
to be swimming weather, yeah...not so much! The kiddos
spent the afternoon in the hot tub...while it rained. They
loved it!
Sunday was an easy day...I went to a Friends house warming
shindig. Her house is so cute! I love it. I got to hang out with some
old pals I haven't seen in a while. It was so nice to catch up:)
Yesterday I slept in way too late ( thanks babe...I guess I needed it)...
but ended up getting a lot accomplished. More on that later:)
So...it's a little late but this weeks "8 weeks" topic is
Loving life and Having Fun. The guest blogger is Lauen of Busy Bee.
She is super cute and real. I love real. You should check out her blog...
And Sometimes Sweet too. They are super rad. Super!

So my first goal is the most important for me...
Not saying anything negative about ANYONE for a week. Yikes!!! Not that I am an overwhelmingly negative person, but I can smack
talk with the best of them. So, gotta cut it out!
Number Two...
Get the darn PC fixed up so I can post pictures...I feel like I can't take picture when I don't have anywhere to put them.
Number Three...
I gotta go through my clothes. Never did that last week. Super need to get on it!!!
K...gots to get moving. It's cold, and if I don't get going I might freeze to my chair. Where o where
is my California weather???
Love you and love your goals!
ReplyDeleteAlso jealous of the kids hanging out in the hot tub in the rain...sounds delightful!