What a great trip! I really learned the power of prayer this trip.
We had car problems on the way down...But God healed our bus. We had sick youth kids...They were healed too.
It was an amazing week. Three of our youth kids accepted Christ, We were able to REALLY minister to the pastor...
We had to be extremely flexible...
The crafts and stories were a huge hit with the kids...On day three some of the mothers even made cups!
That was huge for me!
We were blessed by the pastors wife with a meal every night. It was incredible...They had NOTHING...Yet instead of saving what they did have for themselves...They Shared with all of us! The food was fan-tastic by the way.
I loved all the time spent with all our youth kids...I am so proud of all of them! They grew SO much. It was amazing to see!
I loved watching my husband serve...He is amazing!!!! He laid tile all week...What a servants heart!
Amelia and Shane were great! I am so glad they were able to be there with us!They are still speaking Spanish and Singing all the songs...
The way home was tough...Car trouble and the sickys again. We ended up stuck on the Grapevine...The Highway Patrol shuttled us down the hill....We rented SUVs and finally made it home.
I watched some of our youth kids tonight at church... I love their fire and Love for God.
I am happy to be home. I leave on Saturday for camp. Just the kids and I are going...I will miss Jason SO much!!!!
I am excited to see what this next week has in store...I'll let you know!
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