We are missing our kitty Candle....Both of our cats are indoor cats. Somehow she got out of the house....Dilly is REALLY traumatized! For some reason I have decided that if I stay up really late then the cat will miraculously turn up at the front door. I wonder how late I have to stay up....
I really hope she comes home soon...She is far to cute to be wandering the streets this late at night...and alone....with no street wandering experience!!!
I tried driving around to find her...That did not work! No sign of the cute kitty! I am sad. I hope she turns up...
On a very happy note....I get to see my bestest pal Liese and her hubby Danny on Thursday...I am so excited!!! I can't wait! Oh, they are super amazing missionaries from the Ukraine...We haven't seen them in FOREVER! By forever...I mean a little over a year...EXCITED!!!!!
Did you guys ever find Candle? I have been checking your blog but no news since this post so I thought I would check.