I have fun Blogs to blog...But first I wanted to catch up
On all the happenings around these parts...
Here are some of them:
She had family, and school friends and friends we consider family over.
I was proud of my cupcakes. They were revolutionary!
But that is an entire post on its own...Her party
was supposed to be "Girly Pirate"...It became a
Pink and Black day of fun...She loved it:)
her birthday MiniMuffin.
Here is the party. It was a Nautical theme. My sweet Friend Tiffany
and her Hubby designed the invites and the favor cards.
Again...she loved her desert!
And then sweet Shane. He turned 7.
Such a little Mann...His party was Mario Bros.
My brother frosted and decorated the
cupcakes. I think they turned out
Can you tell I am a bit
Obsessed with cupcakes?

and her Hubby designed the invites and the favor cards.
Again...she loved her desert!

Such a little Mann...His party was Mario Bros.
My brother frosted and decorated the
cupcakes. I think they turned out
Can you tell I am a bit
Obsessed with cupcakes?